Friday, June 15, 2012

Better Yet?

Better Yet?

 "Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was? Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we're as strong as we were four years ago? And if you answer all of those questions 'yes', why then, I think your choice is very obvious as to whom you will vote for. If you don't agree, if you don't think that this course that we've been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us follow for the next four, then I could suggest another choice that you have."  Ronald Reagan’s words ring as true today as they did in 1980.  The choice is as stark, the economy as fractured, the world as unstable-and the answer is no. 
If you go to the store or buy gas-or if you are one of the many still looking for work, you know the economy is stagnant at best.  Happiness abounded when the unemployment numbers dipped to 8.1% in April-team Obama assured us that recovery was on the way…unfortunately to achieve these lower unemployment numbers over 340,000 Americans simply gave up on finding a job.  As bad as things are, the Obama administration continues to promote the same big spending, anti-job agenda that has disallowed any real hope of recovery.
While the present economic status is worth the distractions of Trayvon Martin, the Romney dog carrier “incident”, and the myriad of other media driven hyper stories-it is the future that casts a larger shadow.  With the administration bandying about the possibility of yet another stimulus, a debt growing by the second, Europe on the brink of fiscal collapse, fears of a second housing bubble looming our current path is simply unsustainable.  We are Greece, and we are nearing the point of no return.
In spite of the disinterest in the media, 2008-2011 yielded the highest casualty counts in Afghanistan, this year is on track to be bloody as well.  Egypt is on the brink of Islamist theocracy, Europe is in shambles, and there is no US presence.  Our allies are frustrated with us and our enemies are simply biding our time.  It seems the world is teetering on a cliff and instability abounds.  In the midst of this chaos we have a president who assures the Russian president he can work towards disarmament after the election when he has more flexibility in his second term, is pushing signing onto LOST, a treaty that will minimize our sovereignty and has blurred the lines between spying, theft and business with China. 
There was a great wisdom in Reagan’s words, and it really should be that simple.  The change our nation has endured in the past several years is undeniable.  We are bent on a path that forever changes the American story, and we may not be able to go back.  The question remains-are you better off, and are you willing to let it get worse?                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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