“The great enemy of the truth is very often
not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent,
persuasive and unrealistic. “ (John F. Kennedy)
Such is the American press. Not
necessarily plagiarists, although that argument can certainly be made, not
necessarily creating their own false narrative or fiction, although that
certainly has happened- no, the American press has carried the water for a
false Messiah. From the moment Barak Obama burst onto the political scene and
into the national spotlight he has had the benefit of a created image. Absent curiosity, a supposed innate catalyst
in the mind of the average journalist, the US media has exchanged the role of
watch dog for lap dog.
For many years Americans relied on the
assurances of Walter Kronkite that “that’s the way it is”. We assumed we had been given the gift of
truth, no omissions, and while we saw many dangerous times we could sleep at
night knowing at least we knew the truth.
No more. Recent Gallup polling is
now showing that the level of trust we once had has dissipated into a vapor and
now more than half of the population has a complete distrust in the media. This suspicion has been earned.
It has been no secret that the majority of
journalists in the American press today are liberal activists. UCLA professor Tim Groseclose did a study in
2005 presenting incontrovertible proof of bias within the press, and in recent
years left leaning reporters and media organizational types have come “out of
the closet” as it were admitting that in fact most news organizations report
from the position of liberal bias. In
recent years, however, the media has gone well beyond news with a “slant” to blatant
pandering, acting not as journalists but rather as protectors for Barak Obama.
In the lead up to the 2008 election we had an
unknown commodity running against the assumed queen, Hillary Clinton. He quickly gained favor in the eyes of a
smitten media. Even the Clintons
expressed disgust for the sloppy work by the US media during the campaign. Never has a candidate with so little to offer
run for president. Never has a candidate
with so little known about him run
for president. His birth record remains
a mystery. How he was able to go from
one prestigious school to another remains a mystery. How he ascended to positions of protected
power remains a mystery. We had a media
that extolled the virtues of the pleat in his pants and raved about the thrill
up the leg they received with every speech.
The expectation of the “first black president” superseded Barak Obama’s
ability, character, qualification or past.
Excused were the associations that would have eliminated from contention
the George Bushs, John McCains, and
Sarah Palins-the admission of hanging out with radicals and communists, the
business dealings with felons handing our sweet heart real estate deals, the
friendship with known terrorists like Bill Ayers, and the 20+ years under the
religious tutelage of radical socialist black theologian Rev. Wright. No effort on the part of the mainstream media
existed to learn more about this man who would yet be king, rather most news
outlets jumped into defense mode and acted more as a campaign arm than
In the years since the election the media has
continued their negligence. From
boosting through the art of spin and slant the economic numbers to their
complete avoidance of the out of control body count coming out of Afghanistan,
to ignoring the placement of known and proud communists within the White House
team of czars, to pretending we had no idea who the Muslim brotherhood was and
assuring us they were a benign “non- religious” group. Had the American press done their job, the
disastrous foreign policy and abject dishonesty of this administration would have
become a daily headline. The fact that
this administration lied boldly to us for days after the debacle in Libya would
be a headline in every paper every day.
If we had a competent media this administration would be held
accountable for the events of the 11th. The death of 4 Americans was the result of
either inept or treasonous foreign policy-policies that have gone without
challenge by the media, without question in spite of the obvious results.
A competent media would be questioning the
merits of the economic policies that continue to cripple the lives of millions
of Americans. They would give us the
real unemployment numbers, question the use of disability insurance and the
administration’s handling of economic numbers.
A press acting as watchdog would question, not defend the ever growing
price tag on Obamacare. They would
demand answers on the thousands of unwritten regulations to be yet added to the
Affordable Care Act. A group of real journalists
would point out the doubling of gas prices, the continuing cost of feeding a
family and the steady decline in the value of each American’s paycheck.
We are at a precipice. We have a debt we cannot begin to repay on
our current path. We can no longer
borrow money with a downgraded credit rating so we just make our own. We have an administration presiding over the
destruction of the US currency, the destruction of the US economy, the
destruction of US foreign policy, the destruction of freedom of religion,
speech, and over all decision making by the citizens of this country. Where is the media? They are protecting the path of destruction. The death of America itself will be the
result of a treasonous and dishonest media.