Friday, September 21, 2012

You Did Build This


I have had enough.  I have been beating my head against a wall now for nearly 4 years, frustrated by what seems to be incompetence on parade with groupies poorly disguised as journalists applauding each and every move made by a president ill qualified in every respect-but I have reached the breaking point!
The events of the past few days have been an exclamation point on a presidency that has made Jimmy Carter look like a brilliant statesman.  What’s more, in the midst of these events what has the media criticism laser focused upon?  The policies leading up to this point?  No.  The youtube video and weepy apologies of the administration TO THE THUGS RIOTING AND BUTCHERING in the Middle East? Course not.  No, no the media is all atwitter over Mitt Romney’s “tone” in his statement of criticism regarding President Obama’s handling, or lack thereof, of the disaster unfolding in the region.  Well I’m sorry Mr. President, but this one-well, this one is all you.  George Bush can’t be dragged through the mud on this one, this one you own.  You built this one, Mr. President.
From the moment you took the oath you have shifted responsibility for every failure.  You have driven us to the point of disaster economically-16 trillion in debt after promising to cut it in half?  I don’t even want to know what’s after a trillion!  You have been unable to cobble together a budget out of a senate under your thumb and have thrown money around to your pals in unions all across the fruited plain.  Medicare is no longer a promise to those in need, but rather your private Obama care pin money…yet, you blame George Bush for the difficulty we found ourselves in in spite of voting for every disastrous bill in a democrat controlled congress that drove us to that cliff.  You blame Republicans for Medicare and accuse them of wanting to end it ,but all the while the one raiding it is you.  You have made us economically weak and unstable, reliant on nations who don’t like us to fund us.  You have made us weak, this is your economy now, Mr. President.  You built this.
Your first executive order gutted our intelligence and rendered 5th amendment rights to our enemy…terrorists, the guys inciting riots, killing our troops, and innocents on the street.  “You have the right to remain silent” doesn’t put the fear of God in the Khalid Sheik Mohammeds of the world.  You have weakened our ability to obtain intelligence in a world where another 9/11 is just a riot away.  This is your intelligence operation now, sir.  You built this.
Your first trip abroad as President was dubbed by many as the official “apology tour”.  It was disgusting.  You abased yourself, and as president all of us in the presence of world leaders in the Middle East who need no encouragement to find us distasteful, and who no longer see us as a nation with strong leadership.  You showed yourself as subservient to those who dislike us, and continued on to embarrass yourself and our allies, treating those who should be our closest friends in the Mid-east and Europe as inconveniences, annoyances-sand in your shorts.  This is your foreign relations nightmare, Mr. President.  You built this.
As senator you joined the ranks of you democrat colleagues in criticizing both President Bush and the military in the midst of the Iraq war…yes, you criticized policy in the midst of crisis…and as President promised to end the wars and bring them home, close Gitmo and make the world a better place.  You left the troops there, but gave them impossible rules of engagement that have put them in continual and increasing danger.  You gave away critical information, leaked intelligence, endangered those working with us by revealing their identities, put our CIA intel officers at risk by releasing their identities, and telegraphed our plans for withdrawal, in spite of advice from Generals on the ground to wait.  The casualty rates are going up in Afghanistan, and both Iraq and Afghanistan are devolving into theocratic radicalism again.  These are your wars now, Mr. President, and the casualties on your watch.  Tell me-leaving them there with impossible rules, leaving them as little more than targets-is it worth it?  As each body comes home in a flag-draped coffin, do you know?  Do you take responsibility? You should, you built this.
When the glory that we were told was Arab spring began, you jumped to the side of the masses in the streets.  Didn’t know who they were, ignored the polls and research that indicated radicalism would consume nations like Egypt if these riots continued and the government fell, ignored the words of the Muslim brotherhood that was acting as catalyst all over the middle east, prompting pre-planned events and claiming spontaneity-none of the things that seemed obvious to many of us, things like facts, things like history, things like the charter of the Muslim brotherhood-none of it mattered to you.  You couldn’t take a stand with the freedom seekers in Iran who wanted to free themselves from Islamic tyranny, but these guys on the streets in Cairo?  The ones wanting to institute Sharia law, the ones raping female reporters and beating nearly to death others, these you find worthy?  And the result?  Radicalism, greater instability, theocracy on the rise, and a rekindled hatred for the United States and Israel.  Not simply a dislike or intolerance, but rather a hatred that embraces violence and murder.  When nations like Lybia began to unravel you were quick to enable rebels to unseat an admitted thug-without knowing who we were arming.  This is your nation building effort, Mr. President.  You built this.
You have created since day one, in spite of the historic nature of your election, in spite of voters crossing party lines to elect the first black president-a new racial struggle in this country.  You and your sycophants in congress and the media have from the outset created a dichotomy of racism at the hint of opposition to any legislation-or when that doesn’t work executive order.  Obama care was not racial.  Racking up trillions in debt is not racial.  Your personal distain for the boundries found within the constitution limiting your own power-not racial.  However, ignoring armed Black Panthers at precincts and allowing them to threaten white voters-allowing them to suppress the vote-that is racism.  Having the secret service show up to put the fear of God in Ted Nugent for making a dumb comment and ignoring continued specific threats on “crackers” from the New Black Panthers-that is racism.  Crossing party lines to vote in the first black president and falling away after he fails, that is not racism.  Voting for a man based on the color of his skin, supporting and defending Barak Obama only because he is black-that is racism.  You have created a division that serves only to weaken us as a people and a nation.  The new racial divide we find ourselves in?  You built that.
You are a great family man, Mr. President, and I am thrilled to my toes that you enjoy spending time on family vacations.  I also understand the job of president is a high pressure deal, so sure, you need time to cool off and blow off steam, but sir, when your golf game and surf trip to Hawaii, dinners with Jayz and Beyonce, chats with Letterman take precedence over doing your job-showing up for intelligence briefings, showing leadership-it is time to put away the clubs and have dinner with your advisors in the oval and put this country and our safety first.  Your indifference and incompetence has shown the world that we no longer have a man in the White House with the national best interest at heart.  You have created an image abroad, and here frankly, that this has been a four year red carpet event rather than the service of a nation in need of a leader.  Welcome to the image of America in the world today-you built that Mr. President.
You have let us know-often-that you made the call to take out Bin-laden.  “Osama bin Laden is dead and GM is alive”.  You have been touted as brave and bold for making the call, and in the pressor after his death you credited yourself again and again –‘I made the call…, I made the decision…, on my order…” May I be so bold, sir?  You were not brave, or bold, or strong.  Had your policies been in place prior to waterboarding Khalid sheik Mohammed-had he been mirandized rather than interrogated-key information would have been lost.  Had the Seals you earlier prosecuted for roughing up the thugs responsible for capturing the butchers of our civilian workers whose charred bodies were hung on a bridge not done the hard work that took months to prepare you would have had no announcement to make.  Had seal team six not put their own lives on the line, gone into the line of fire in hostile territory, you would not have been able to watch it play out in your golf shirt and cushy chair-gosh hope you were able to finish the round first.  That was a job done by the US Navy seals, sir-stop spiking the ball when you merely picked it up after the touchdown.  Bin Laden dead?  The SEALS built that.
All of this chaos, all of the weakness projected to al Qaeda, the coddling and footsies played with the Muslim brotherhood, the ridiculous policies of de-weaponizing our troops, the silly “Pollyann-ish” idealism that we can ignore the actions of terror, apologize for every little offense to the Islamic world-real or imagined-and that will quell violence and hate, the very real lack of acceptance that nothing we do or say save becoming an intolerant Islamic theocracy and destroying Israel will change the attitude of radical Islamists-all of this led up to the disaster that played out on 9/11/12.  Your policy that prevented our Marines and guards from having live ammunition made our embassies easy prey.  Your ignorance of and your disinterest in intelligence allowed this attack to be a success.   Reports are now coming in that we had intelligence-you knew Americans would be targeted.  Your administration chose to ignore the security risk that any fool would assume elevated on 9/11.  You chose to put our ambassador in harm’s way, fully aware that he was unprotected.  You put our Marines and Seals in a position of military impotence-they were set up for failure, Mr. President.  You empowered the groups in Lybya and Egypt by ignoring the politics around the revolution, excusing the Muslim brotherhood’s allegiance with radical Islam and created with your policy the environment that was ripe for a planned attack on our embassies.  You built this.
As disgusted as I am about the events themselves, I am sick listening to our response.  We just had an ambassador tortured and murdered, we lost an Air Force vet and two Navy seals and we are apologizing for a youtube video?  Have we not shown enough weakness in the world?  Where is the outrage for the thugs in the street?  Where is the outrage for the Islamic world who chose to kill in the name of their “god”?  These events, and the events we memorialized on Sept. 11th were the result of inhuman godlessness.  These people need to be destroyed, not mollycoddled. There is no negotiating with incidious groups who behave like rabid animals.  This isn’t religion, it is demonic and it is high time we woke up, sir.  You need to wake up.  I understand your ties to the Muslim world, but you are our President and it is time to draw a line in the sand that cannot be crossed.  Choose who you will fight for sir.  This is your mess.  You created it.  You have blood on your hands in this one.  The death of Chris Stevens was avoidable, sir, it was the result of poor policy that created the atmosphere he was butchered in.  You built it.  Now fix it.