Thursday, November 1, 2012


What more do you need?

After four years of executive orders shifting the balance of power and hindering the checks and balances established by our framers, after power grab after open power grab you would think folks would have had enough.

After four years of spending money and simply printing more, after ignoring time and again the budget requirements and creating the looming “fiscal cliff”, you’d think enough would be enough.

After four years of a justice department that ignores gun running in Mexico, Black Panthers with weapons at polling stations, and selects what laws it will and will not chose to comply with, shouldn’t it be time to move on?

After telling us time and again the war is over, yet running up more casualties in four years than in the eight before it, shouldn’t it be time to make a change?

After dark room deals, payoffs and a total disregard for the constitution that forced Obamacare down our throats, after lying about the taxpayer funded abortion, the “panels”, the ability to maintain your own doctor, and the cost-you still want more?

After years of listening to lies about Uncles at Auschwitz, fathers with flag draped caskets, favorite ball teams, sequestering, youtube videos, Big Bird, Republicans blocking legislation, oil production, the auto industry, the border fence, the Arizona immigration law, paygo, saving or creating 150,000 jobs, cutting the deficit in half, transparency, televised health care debate, earmarks, single payer healthcare, gay marriage, closing gitmo and raising taxes-to name a few!  Aren’t you tired of being lied to?  Aren’t you tired of having your intelligence insulted time and time again?

After choosing the wrong side over and over again from Mexican drug lords, to the Muslim Brotherhood to negotiations with the Taliban, talks with Iran, to Solyndra, Trayvon Martin, cap and trade, Arab Spring and transmissions to Vladimir-isn”t that all you need?

After four years of division-by race, class, and party, after gas prices doubling, after food prices continually rising, after four years of almost doubled unemployment, after tens of thousands just dropping out of the job market, after energy prices “necessarily skyrocketing”, after at least 100 coal plants shutting down and houndreds of lost jobs, after placing known communists and socialists in positions of power within the White House, after Bill Ayers and Rev Wright-what more do you need?

How about leaving an ambassador and Navy Seals to die in Benghazi?  How about not only ignoring cries for increased security, but drawing it down?  How about not just ignoring cables from the ambassador and calls from the Seals as the consulate was under attack, but ordering a stand down.  How about refusing to act while our sovereign territory was under attack and our people being killed.  How about proceeding to institutionally lie for over a week, and in the process having an American Citizen hauled into jail for a video our government knew was irrelevant to the events in Libya.  Can you imagine the sense of betrayal the Seals felt as they radioed for help, painted the enemy and waited for back up that would never come because our President not only refused to authorize it but also ordered available help to stand down?  Unimaginable.  Enough-enough!

Barak Obama is not just incompetent, not just a poor discerner, not just dishonest-Barak Obama is a threat.  We don’t need more.  We have had enough.


What more do you need?

After four years of executive orders shifting the balance of power and hindering the checks and balances established by our framers, after power grab after open power grab you would think folks would have had enough.

After four years of spending money and simply printing more, after ignoring time and again the budget requirements and creating the looming “fiscal cliff”, you’d think enough would be enough.

After four years of a justice department that ignores gun running in Mexico, Black Panthers with weapons at polling stations, and selects what laws it will and will not chose to comply with, shouldn’t it be time to move on?

After telling us time and again the war is over, yet running up more casualties in four years than in the eight before it, shouldn’t it be time to make a change?

After dark room deals, payoffs and a total disregard for the constitution that forced Obamacare down our throats, after lying about the taxpayer funded abortion, the “panels”, the ability to maintain your own doctor, and the cost-you still want more?

After years of listening to lies about Uncles at Auschwitz, fathers with flag draped caskets, favorite ball teams, sequestering, youtube videos, Big Bird, Republicans blocking legislation, oil production, the auto industry, the border fence, the Arizona immigration law, paygo, saving or creating 150,000 jobs, cutting the deficit in half, transparency, televised health care debate, earmarks, single payer healthcare, gay marriage, closing gitmo and raising taxes-to name a few!  Aren’t you tired of being lied to?  Aren’t you tired of having your intelligence insulted time and time again?

After choosing the wrong side over and over again from Mexican drug lords, to the Muslim Brotherhood to negotiations with the Taliban, talks with Iran, to Solyndra, Trayvon Martin, cap and trade, Arab Spring and transmissions to Vladimir-isn”t that all you need?

After four years of division-by race, class, and party, after gas prices doubling, after food prices continually rising, after four years of almost doubled unemployment, after tens of thousands just dropping out of the job market, after energy prices “necessarily skyrocketing”, after at least 100 coal plants shutting down and houndreds of lost jobs, after placing known communists and socialists in positions of power within the White House, after Bill Ayers and Rev Wright-what more do you need?

How about leaving an ambassador and Navy Seals to die in Benghazi?  How about not only ignoring cries for increased security, but drawing it down?  How about not just ignoring cables from the ambassador and calls from the Seals as the consulate was under attack, but ordering a stand down.  How about refusing to act while our sovereign territory was under attack and our people being killed.  How about proceeding to institutionally lie for over a week, and in the process having an American Citizen hauled into jail for a video our government knew was irrelevant to the events in Libya.  Can you imagine the sense of betrayal the Seals felt as they radioed for help, painted the enemy and waited for back up that would never come because our President not only refused to authorize it but also ordered available help to stand down?  Unimaginable.  Enough-enough!

Barak Obama is not just incompetent, not just a poor discerner, not just dishonest-Barak Obama is a threat.  We don’t need more.  We have had enough.


What more do you need?

After four years of executive orders shifting the balance of power and hindering the checks and balances established by our framers, after power grab after open power grab you would think folks would have had enough.

After four years of spending money and simply printing more, after ignoring time and again the budget requirements and creating the looming “fiscal cliff”, you’d think enough would be enough.

After four years of a justice department that ignores gun running in Mexico, Black Panthers with weapons at polling stations, and selects what laws it will and will not chose to comply with, shouldn’t it be time to move on?

After telling us time and again the war is over, yet running up more casualties in four years than in the eight before it, shouldn’t it be time to make a change?

After dark room deals, payoffs and a total disregard for the constitution that forced Obamacare down our throats, after lying about the taxpayer funded abortion, the “panels”, the ability to maintain your own doctor, and the cost-you still want more?

After years of listening to lies about Uncles at Auschwitz, fathers with flag draped caskets, favorite ball teams, sequestering, youtube videos, Big Bird, Republicans blocking legislation, oil production, the auto industry, the border fence, the Arizona immigration law, paygo, saving or creating 150,000 jobs, cutting the deficit in half, transparency, televised health care debate, earmarks, single payer healthcare, gay marriage, closing gitmo and raising taxes-to name a few!  Aren’t you tired of being lied to?  Aren’t you tired of having your intelligence insulted time and time again?

After choosing the wrong side over and over again from Mexican drug lords, to the Muslim Brotherhood to negotiations with the Taliban, talks with Iran, to Solyndra, Trayvon Martin, cap and trade, Arab Spring and transmissions to Vladimir-isn”t that all you need?

After four years of division-by race, class, and party, after gas prices doubling, after food prices continually rising, after four years of almost doubled unemployment, after tens of thousands just dropping out of the job market, after energy prices “necessarily skyrocketing”, after at least 100 coal plants shutting down and houndreds of lost jobs, after placing known communists and socialists in positions of power within the White House, after Bill Ayers and Rev Wright-what more do you need?

How about leaving an ambassador and Navy Seals to die in Benghazi?  How about not only ignoring cries for increased security, but drawing it down?  How about not just ignoring cables from the ambassador and calls from the Seals as the consulate was under attack, but ordering a stand down.  How about refusing to act while our sovereign territory was under attack and our people being killed.  How about proceeding to institutionally lie for over a week, and in the process having an American Citizen hauled into jail for a video our government knew was irrelevant to the events in Libya.  Can you imagine the sense of betrayal the Seals felt as they radioed for help, painted the enemy and waited for back up that would never come because our President not only refused to authorize it but also ordered available help to stand down?  Unimaginable.  Enough-enough!

Barak Obama is not just incompetent, not just a poor discerner, not just dishonest-Barak Obama is a threat.  We don’t need more.  We have had enough.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


 “The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. “ (John F. Kennedy)  Such is the American press.  Not necessarily plagiarists, although that argument can certainly be made, not necessarily creating their own false narrative or fiction, although that certainly has happened- no, the American press has carried the water for a false Messiah.  From the moment Barak Obama burst onto the political scene and into the national spotlight he has had the benefit of a created image.  Absent curiosity, a supposed innate catalyst in the mind of the average journalist, the US media has exchanged the role of watch dog for lap dog.

For many years Americans relied on the assurances of Walter Kronkite that “that’s the way it is”.  We assumed we had been given the gift of truth, no omissions, and while we saw many dangerous times we could sleep at night knowing at least we knew the truth.  No more.  Recent Gallup polling is now showing that the level of trust we once had has dissipated into a vapor and now more than half of the population has a complete distrust in the media.  This suspicion has been earned. 

It has been no secret that the majority of journalists in the American press today are liberal activists.  UCLA professor Tim Groseclose did a study in 2005 presenting incontrovertible proof of bias within the press, and in recent years left leaning reporters and media organizational types have come “out of the closet” as it were admitting that in fact most news organizations report from the position of liberal bias.  In recent years, however, the media has gone well beyond news with a “slant” to blatant pandering, acting not as journalists but rather as protectors for Barak Obama.

In the lead up to the 2008 election we had an unknown commodity running against the assumed queen, Hillary Clinton.  He quickly gained favor in the eyes of a smitten media.  Even the Clintons expressed disgust for the sloppy work by the US media during the campaign.  Never has a candidate with so little to offer run for president.  Never has a candidate with so little known about him run for president.  His birth record remains a mystery.  How he was able to go from one prestigious school to another remains a mystery.  How he ascended to positions of protected power remains a mystery.  We had a media that extolled the virtues of the pleat in his pants and raved about the thrill up the leg they received with every speech.  The expectation of the “first black president” superseded Barak Obama’s ability, character, qualification or past.  Excused were the associations that would have eliminated from contention the George Bushs, John McCains,  and Sarah Palins-the admission of hanging out with radicals and communists, the business dealings with felons handing our sweet heart real estate deals, the friendship with known terrorists like Bill Ayers, and the 20+ years under the religious tutelage of radical socialist black theologian Rev. Wright.  No effort on the part of the mainstream media existed to learn more about this man who would yet be king, rather most news outlets jumped into defense mode and acted more as a campaign arm than journalists.

In the years since the election the media has continued their negligence.  From boosting through the art of spin and slant the economic numbers to their complete avoidance of the out of control body count coming out of Afghanistan, to ignoring the placement of known and proud communists within the White House team of czars, to pretending we had no idea who the Muslim brotherhood was and assuring us they were a benign “non- religious” group.  Had the American press done their job, the disastrous foreign policy and abject dishonesty of this administration would have become a daily headline.   The fact that this administration lied boldly to us for days after the debacle in Libya would be a headline in every paper every day.  If we had a competent media this administration would be held accountable for the events of the 11th.  The death of 4 Americans was the result of either inept or treasonous foreign policy-policies that have gone without challenge by the media, without question in spite of the obvious results. 
A competent media would be questioning the merits of the economic policies that continue to cripple the lives of millions of Americans.  They would give us the real unemployment numbers, question the use of disability insurance and the administration’s handling of economic numbers.   A press acting as watchdog would question, not defend the ever growing price tag on Obamacare.  They would demand answers on the thousands of unwritten regulations to be yet added to the Affordable Care Act.  A group of real journalists would point out the doubling of gas prices, the continuing cost of feeding a family and the steady decline in the value of each American’s paycheck. 

We are at a precipice.  We have a debt we cannot begin to repay on our current path.  We can no longer borrow money with a downgraded credit rating so we just make our own.  We have an administration presiding over the destruction of the US currency, the destruction of the US economy, the destruction of US foreign policy, the destruction of freedom of religion, speech, and over all decision making by the citizens of this country.  Where is the media?  They are protecting the path of destruction.  The death of America itself will be the result of a treasonous and dishonest media.

Friday, September 21, 2012

You Did Build This


I have had enough.  I have been beating my head against a wall now for nearly 4 years, frustrated by what seems to be incompetence on parade with groupies poorly disguised as journalists applauding each and every move made by a president ill qualified in every respect-but I have reached the breaking point!
The events of the past few days have been an exclamation point on a presidency that has made Jimmy Carter look like a brilliant statesman.  What’s more, in the midst of these events what has the media criticism laser focused upon?  The policies leading up to this point?  No.  The youtube video and weepy apologies of the administration TO THE THUGS RIOTING AND BUTCHERING in the Middle East? Course not.  No, no the media is all atwitter over Mitt Romney’s “tone” in his statement of criticism regarding President Obama’s handling, or lack thereof, of the disaster unfolding in the region.  Well I’m sorry Mr. President, but this one-well, this one is all you.  George Bush can’t be dragged through the mud on this one, this one you own.  You built this one, Mr. President.
From the moment you took the oath you have shifted responsibility for every failure.  You have driven us to the point of disaster economically-16 trillion in debt after promising to cut it in half?  I don’t even want to know what’s after a trillion!  You have been unable to cobble together a budget out of a senate under your thumb and have thrown money around to your pals in unions all across the fruited plain.  Medicare is no longer a promise to those in need, but rather your private Obama care pin money…yet, you blame George Bush for the difficulty we found ourselves in in spite of voting for every disastrous bill in a democrat controlled congress that drove us to that cliff.  You blame Republicans for Medicare and accuse them of wanting to end it ,but all the while the one raiding it is you.  You have made us economically weak and unstable, reliant on nations who don’t like us to fund us.  You have made us weak, this is your economy now, Mr. President.  You built this.
Your first executive order gutted our intelligence and rendered 5th amendment rights to our enemy…terrorists, the guys inciting riots, killing our troops, and innocents on the street.  “You have the right to remain silent” doesn’t put the fear of God in the Khalid Sheik Mohammeds of the world.  You have weakened our ability to obtain intelligence in a world where another 9/11 is just a riot away.  This is your intelligence operation now, sir.  You built this.
Your first trip abroad as President was dubbed by many as the official “apology tour”.  It was disgusting.  You abased yourself, and as president all of us in the presence of world leaders in the Middle East who need no encouragement to find us distasteful, and who no longer see us as a nation with strong leadership.  You showed yourself as subservient to those who dislike us, and continued on to embarrass yourself and our allies, treating those who should be our closest friends in the Mid-east and Europe as inconveniences, annoyances-sand in your shorts.  This is your foreign relations nightmare, Mr. President.  You built this.
As senator you joined the ranks of you democrat colleagues in criticizing both President Bush and the military in the midst of the Iraq war…yes, you criticized policy in the midst of crisis…and as President promised to end the wars and bring them home, close Gitmo and make the world a better place.  You left the troops there, but gave them impossible rules of engagement that have put them in continual and increasing danger.  You gave away critical information, leaked intelligence, endangered those working with us by revealing their identities, put our CIA intel officers at risk by releasing their identities, and telegraphed our plans for withdrawal, in spite of advice from Generals on the ground to wait.  The casualty rates are going up in Afghanistan, and both Iraq and Afghanistan are devolving into theocratic radicalism again.  These are your wars now, Mr. President, and the casualties on your watch.  Tell me-leaving them there with impossible rules, leaving them as little more than targets-is it worth it?  As each body comes home in a flag-draped coffin, do you know?  Do you take responsibility? You should, you built this.
When the glory that we were told was Arab spring began, you jumped to the side of the masses in the streets.  Didn’t know who they were, ignored the polls and research that indicated radicalism would consume nations like Egypt if these riots continued and the government fell, ignored the words of the Muslim brotherhood that was acting as catalyst all over the middle east, prompting pre-planned events and claiming spontaneity-none of the things that seemed obvious to many of us, things like facts, things like history, things like the charter of the Muslim brotherhood-none of it mattered to you.  You couldn’t take a stand with the freedom seekers in Iran who wanted to free themselves from Islamic tyranny, but these guys on the streets in Cairo?  The ones wanting to institute Sharia law, the ones raping female reporters and beating nearly to death others, these you find worthy?  And the result?  Radicalism, greater instability, theocracy on the rise, and a rekindled hatred for the United States and Israel.  Not simply a dislike or intolerance, but rather a hatred that embraces violence and murder.  When nations like Lybia began to unravel you were quick to enable rebels to unseat an admitted thug-without knowing who we were arming.  This is your nation building effort, Mr. President.  You built this.
You have created since day one, in spite of the historic nature of your election, in spite of voters crossing party lines to elect the first black president-a new racial struggle in this country.  You and your sycophants in congress and the media have from the outset created a dichotomy of racism at the hint of opposition to any legislation-or when that doesn’t work executive order.  Obama care was not racial.  Racking up trillions in debt is not racial.  Your personal distain for the boundries found within the constitution limiting your own power-not racial.  However, ignoring armed Black Panthers at precincts and allowing them to threaten white voters-allowing them to suppress the vote-that is racism.  Having the secret service show up to put the fear of God in Ted Nugent for making a dumb comment and ignoring continued specific threats on “crackers” from the New Black Panthers-that is racism.  Crossing party lines to vote in the first black president and falling away after he fails, that is not racism.  Voting for a man based on the color of his skin, supporting and defending Barak Obama only because he is black-that is racism.  You have created a division that serves only to weaken us as a people and a nation.  The new racial divide we find ourselves in?  You built that.
You are a great family man, Mr. President, and I am thrilled to my toes that you enjoy spending time on family vacations.  I also understand the job of president is a high pressure deal, so sure, you need time to cool off and blow off steam, but sir, when your golf game and surf trip to Hawaii, dinners with Jayz and Beyonce, chats with Letterman take precedence over doing your job-showing up for intelligence briefings, showing leadership-it is time to put away the clubs and have dinner with your advisors in the oval and put this country and our safety first.  Your indifference and incompetence has shown the world that we no longer have a man in the White House with the national best interest at heart.  You have created an image abroad, and here frankly, that this has been a four year red carpet event rather than the service of a nation in need of a leader.  Welcome to the image of America in the world today-you built that Mr. President.
You have let us know-often-that you made the call to take out Bin-laden.  “Osama bin Laden is dead and GM is alive”.  You have been touted as brave and bold for making the call, and in the pressor after his death you credited yourself again and again –‘I made the call…, I made the decision…, on my order…” May I be so bold, sir?  You were not brave, or bold, or strong.  Had your policies been in place prior to waterboarding Khalid sheik Mohammed-had he been mirandized rather than interrogated-key information would have been lost.  Had the Seals you earlier prosecuted for roughing up the thugs responsible for capturing the butchers of our civilian workers whose charred bodies were hung on a bridge not done the hard work that took months to prepare you would have had no announcement to make.  Had seal team six not put their own lives on the line, gone into the line of fire in hostile territory, you would not have been able to watch it play out in your golf shirt and cushy chair-gosh hope you were able to finish the round first.  That was a job done by the US Navy seals, sir-stop spiking the ball when you merely picked it up after the touchdown.  Bin Laden dead?  The SEALS built that.
All of this chaos, all of the weakness projected to al Qaeda, the coddling and footsies played with the Muslim brotherhood, the ridiculous policies of de-weaponizing our troops, the silly “Pollyann-ish” idealism that we can ignore the actions of terror, apologize for every little offense to the Islamic world-real or imagined-and that will quell violence and hate, the very real lack of acceptance that nothing we do or say save becoming an intolerant Islamic theocracy and destroying Israel will change the attitude of radical Islamists-all of this led up to the disaster that played out on 9/11/12.  Your policy that prevented our Marines and guards from having live ammunition made our embassies easy prey.  Your ignorance of and your disinterest in intelligence allowed this attack to be a success.   Reports are now coming in that we had intelligence-you knew Americans would be targeted.  Your administration chose to ignore the security risk that any fool would assume elevated on 9/11.  You chose to put our ambassador in harm’s way, fully aware that he was unprotected.  You put our Marines and Seals in a position of military impotence-they were set up for failure, Mr. President.  You empowered the groups in Lybya and Egypt by ignoring the politics around the revolution, excusing the Muslim brotherhood’s allegiance with radical Islam and created with your policy the environment that was ripe for a planned attack on our embassies.  You built this.
As disgusted as I am about the events themselves, I am sick listening to our response.  We just had an ambassador tortured and murdered, we lost an Air Force vet and two Navy seals and we are apologizing for a youtube video?  Have we not shown enough weakness in the world?  Where is the outrage for the thugs in the street?  Where is the outrage for the Islamic world who chose to kill in the name of their “god”?  These events, and the events we memorialized on Sept. 11th were the result of inhuman godlessness.  These people need to be destroyed, not mollycoddled. There is no negotiating with incidious groups who behave like rabid animals.  This isn’t religion, it is demonic and it is high time we woke up, sir.  You need to wake up.  I understand your ties to the Muslim world, but you are our President and it is time to draw a line in the sand that cannot be crossed.  Choose who you will fight for sir.  This is your mess.  You created it.  You have blood on your hands in this one.  The death of Chris Stevens was avoidable, sir, it was the result of poor policy that created the atmosphere he was butchered in.  You built it.  Now fix it.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What's Wrong With a Little Socialism?

What’s Wrong With a Little Socialism?

I sat open mouthed yet speechless.  A group of young high school students opined with great authority the evils of capitalism, corporations and profit.  After all the occupy movement was driven by youth….funded, organized, and fueled by socialist and communist groups, but wholly  into by the youth of America, I suppose I should not have been surprised, but the resentment toward the idea of wealth creation, profit and the jobs that follow was stunning.
So I ask myself-why?  Why do our high school-young adults flock to the ideals of socialism?  Is it idealism?  Perhaps-on its face it does sound, well, fair I suppose.  The ideas as well as the promoters of the socialist utopia promise equality-fairness for all without the evil rich.  Spread the wealth and stick it to the greed driven corporations.  Health care for all, “a chicken in every pot” and “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”  Sounds like sunshine and lollipops, right?
Problem is, it just never seems to work.  Never has.  With most socialist systems there is a  devolution into communism and Nazism.  Hilter was elected on a socialist platform offering healthcare for all and a stable economy that eliminated the evil rich.  When democracy didn’t work fast enough, “occupy” Germany began and Goebbels and friends stirred the pot inciting riots and violence it the streets.  Stalin and Castro also came to power in elected positions on the heels of revolution, both ultimately eliminating competition and assuming total control in their countries.  Socialists don’t work and play well with others- it is ultimately rejected and must be maintained by force.  Ironically, this system of “fairness” has ended in dictatorship time and time again and has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people.
Our modern economy based socialists today like to tout Europe as the great success story.  Classy. Non-violent. Tolerant.  Broke…riots in the street…brink of total economic collapse…austerity……failure.
You see, the problem with socialism is freedom.  There is none.  It relies upon government sanctioned theft to “level the playing field.”  Problem is-you can’t ever raise the bar.  You can’t improve.  There is no incentive to work harder.  Life becomes a variety of the same shades of grey and eventually you run out-of money, drive, and hope.  Government becomes your source of existence and the powerful become power hungry.  It replaces religion with tolerance, hope with subsistence, freedom with “fairness”, it vilifies morality, effort, hard work and self-reliance.  The freedom to make decisions no longer lies with you the individual, there is too much at stake to the “collective”, therefore what you eat, who and what you approve of, the car you drive and the light bulb you use are controlled.
The youth of today have never seen the flip side-they never saw the bodies of freedom seekers trying to escape from East Germany to the West.  They never experienced the “Iron Curtain” and the hopelessness of the nations under its iron thumb.  They have seen only the sanitized version of history.   Freedom, self-reliance, and capitalism launched the US into power. We have been for over 200 years the “beacon of hope”, the “city on a hill” that became the desire of freedom loving people worldwide.  They sneak across the border, they float in on makeshift rafts, set sail from across the ocean-they come here. They leave the failed promise of “fairness” and risk it all to come here…for freedom.
We are teetering on that hill with a decision to make…will we remain a freedom loving, capitalist nation or will we turn to a “softer, milder” form of socialism?  After all-it wouldn’t result in tyranny here!  We would simply be “spreading the wealth”, “sharing the love”-“trickling up”.  Ask yourself-are you living in the same country you were in 2008?  Since Barak Obama was elected he has side stepped the constitution and congress to appoint a litany of czars, ram through health care, seize control of auto companies, set up a green energy money laundering operation at Solyndra and friends, appoint non recess- recess appointments, trample on the 1st amendment and religious freedom, have federal agents inspect lunch boxes, and repeatedly bemoan the separation of powers and constitution set up to limit the power he is already expanding.
Ronald Reagan’s words were never more apropos -“Our natural, inalienable rights are now considered to be a dispensation from government, and freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment.”  Once this path is chosen there will be no going back.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Better Yet?

Better Yet?

 "Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was? Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we're as strong as we were four years ago? And if you answer all of those questions 'yes', why then, I think your choice is very obvious as to whom you will vote for. If you don't agree, if you don't think that this course that we've been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us follow for the next four, then I could suggest another choice that you have."  Ronald Reagan’s words ring as true today as they did in 1980.  The choice is as stark, the economy as fractured, the world as unstable-and the answer is no. 
If you go to the store or buy gas-or if you are one of the many still looking for work, you know the economy is stagnant at best.  Happiness abounded when the unemployment numbers dipped to 8.1% in April-team Obama assured us that recovery was on the way…unfortunately to achieve these lower unemployment numbers over 340,000 Americans simply gave up on finding a job.  As bad as things are, the Obama administration continues to promote the same big spending, anti-job agenda that has disallowed any real hope of recovery.
While the present economic status is worth the distractions of Trayvon Martin, the Romney dog carrier “incident”, and the myriad of other media driven hyper stories-it is the future that casts a larger shadow.  With the administration bandying about the possibility of yet another stimulus, a debt growing by the second, Europe on the brink of fiscal collapse, fears of a second housing bubble looming our current path is simply unsustainable.  We are Greece, and we are nearing the point of no return.
In spite of the disinterest in the media, 2008-2011 yielded the highest casualty counts in Afghanistan, this year is on track to be bloody as well.  Egypt is on the brink of Islamist theocracy, Europe is in shambles, and there is no US presence.  Our allies are frustrated with us and our enemies are simply biding our time.  It seems the world is teetering on a cliff and instability abounds.  In the midst of this chaos we have a president who assures the Russian president he can work towards disarmament after the election when he has more flexibility in his second term, is pushing signing onto LOST, a treaty that will minimize our sovereignty and has blurred the lines between spying, theft and business with China. 
There was a great wisdom in Reagan’s words, and it really should be that simple.  The change our nation has endured in the past several years is undeniable.  We are bent on a path that forever changes the American story, and we may not be able to go back.  The question remains-are you better off, and are you willing to let it get worse?                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Losing Our Religion


    "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God." 
                                        (John Adams, June 28, 1813, 1.)
    We know the story- the rich history of a quest for religious freedom in a journey fraught with danger.  It was the birth of a nation founded on the principles of freedom and religious tolerance, framed around Judeo-Christian values and the belief that the very freedom we enjoyed was a gift from God himself.   Not a theocracy, the core values of this country were that of simple Christian ethics framed around the idea of personal responsibility and limited government. 
    The course has been altered.  The 60’s, often seen as a turning point for much in our society, seemed to bring with the ideas of “free love”, sex, drugs, and rock and roll a natural turning away from the more standard, religious cultural ideals.  The ways of the past seemed hypocritical-sure we spoke of freedom, but racism abounded and the nation was in chaos, involved in an unpopular war, and dealing with the assassinations of the Kennedy’s and MLK.  Reeling from a decade of change, a turning point was reached and we turned from our spiritual roots to embrace secularism in both society and government.   But has it gone too far? How has this trend affected us?  Does the government share a roll?  And is there a double standard when it comes to how we relate to Christianity today?
    Somewhere along the way, the push toward secularism became a push against Christianity.  Prayer was banned in schools and religious holidays put on life support, there have been cries to change state mottos, remove memorials and the list goes on.   Cries for tolerance seem to wield a greater intolerance toward a Judeo Christian heritage full of symbolism.  There is a current debate at Camp Pendleton regarding a memorial erected 10 years ago by a group of grieving Marines to remember fallen brothers.  They erected a cross, and brought up rocks, ribbons and notes, as many have done since.  After a local paper did a story about the memorial several atheist groups complained and have threatened to file a law suit saying “the site violated the Constitutional mandate of separation of church and state” (3)  But according to widow Karen Mendoza, the cross has nothing to do with religion “It's not a religious spot at all, it's a place for the Marines to grieve and to grow to let go of their burdens of what they had in their soul, so they can go back down that hill and back into battle and put their own lives on the line.”   Stories like this one abound in our society today, with the push towards completely removing all symbols and phrases with any reference to God or the roots of Christianity, regardless of intent or harm.  To many evangelicals it seems that this goes beyond a change in attitude and that war has been raged against them and their Christian faith. 
   The cited rationale in each of these victories in the removal of religiosity is most often the “separation of church and state”.  So common has this become that many Americans believe the separation of church and state is a constitutional guarantee preventing religious expression or allowance of religious influence in government or public life.  Nowhere does this idea appear within the constitution.  In fact the constitution specifically prohibits the government from preventing religious expression.  The constitution protects, not prohibits expression and influence.  The “wall of separation between church and state” was coined by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Danbury Baptists seeking to assure them there would be no state control or influence upon the church, not that religion had no place within government and society.(2)
    The idea is that we do not become a European system with a state church that exists for political reasons and becomes a controlling force, not that a Christian prayer cannot be said at a graduation ceremony, or that the 10 commandments must be removed from a courthouse lawn.  The prevailing religions in the United States are Christian, the founding influence Christian, therefore a strong Christian influence is a reasonable expectation.
    Has the effect of secularism been positive?  At the heart of the Judeo Christian value system is personal responsibility and individualism.  The founders, not all Christian, revered the principles of Christianity and our founding documents are replete with Christian references. 
    George Washington in his farewell address noted that "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports."(4)   The very nature of freedom is the allowance of men and women to regulate their own behavior, and it is the moral compass granted by faith that as Washington said, supports the prosperity of a free people. 
    So what happens when the fundamental ideals of Judeo Christian ethics are cast aside?  One needs only to look to the chaos that has become our public school system to see the result of lost responsibility and the demonization of religious principles.  As schools are pulling down copies of the Ten Commandments and replacing them with posters of Britney Spears wearing little more than a milk mustache, teachers, parents and administrators alike struggle with out of control kids.  Teen pregnancy, drinking and drug use have become all too common and teachers now play a duel role as both teacher and “Great Carnac” as they try to read through behavior for signs of abuse of every stripe and isolate the potential Columbine perpetrator. ”Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal”-seems rather benign in that context. 
     Schools are just a microcosm of the society that surrounds them.   To say that we are a society sex, drug and alcohol obsessed is to understate.  Our heroes on the field, screen, and radio are all too often studies of amoralism.  The moral compass spins away as no behavior is off limits, “if it feels good, do it” no matter the cost.  The more outrageous and abhorrent the behavior the more “inquiring minds want to know”-and we do.   Our screens and grocery isles are saturated with the sex lives of the Kardashians,’ Branjelina’, and the Jersey Shore bunch.  According to Univ. of Denver professor Jim Taylor “The heroes that emerge in a generation are the living manifestation of the zeitgeist of the times which doesn't speak well of this recent generation…Today's zeitgeist is vastly different, controlled by a popular culture that worships the antihero. Many of today's entertainers, athletes, and other popular culture icons exemplify everything that is unheroic in our society -- 50 Cent and Britney Spears, Terrell Owens, and Paris Hilton -- yet are seen as heroes in the eyes of children. Many of today's heroes encourage values that are also unheroic, such as selfishness, dishonesty, disrespect, irresponsibility, greed, cruelty, and violence. “
    We have shifted from a society that seeks greatness and goodness to one that seeks to glorify mediocrity-we can’t have winners or competition.  We have moved from being self- sufficient and hard working to expectant of others to carry the load and bear responsibility be it for a loan we cannot repay to a child we did not plan.
    Government has not been immune to blame in the devolution of American Christianism.  Front and center for weeks in every news outlet was the Obamacare/ Catholic Church contraception issue.  We saw story after story about the waging war against the mighty Catholic Church.  For most within the church, and many in other denominations, contraception was not really the issue, but rather the government stepping on the practices and standards of the church and squelching their first amendment rights.  If the government could determine the allowances of behavior acceptable within a church, could they not determine sin itself and mandate tolerance for what churches preach against?  Bishop Paul Loverde wrote that ““I am absolutely convinced that an unprecedented and very dangerous line has been crossed.” (5)   
    New Government mandates have had an effect on other issues within the church-adoption and foster care, migration services, funding in the fight against human trafficking, the ability of churches to lease or rent public buildings-there is a new direction in the relationship between Christianity and the state.  So concerned is the Catholic church that they have launched a campaign to protect religious liberty in the United States, a liberty they believe to be integral to the continuation of freedom itself.  According to a document from the U.S. Conference on Catholic Bishops, ““This is not a Catholic issue. This is not a Jewish issue. This is not an Orthodox, Mormon or Muslim issue. It is an American issue.” (6)
    Within the overall context of this American religious issue is a changing perception of what is considered appropriate speech or behavior toward people groups.  What is offensive, and what is considered ok, and is it the same for everyone?
     The silence was deafening.  In 2008, several churches in the US sent Bibles in several Afghan languages to the base at Bagram.  Doing so was a violation of current US regulations regarding prostyletizing  and the Bibles were rounded up and burned.  When questioned about taking the step to burn the Bibles, which to Christians is the written Word of God, Lt. Col. Mark Wright told CNN that the “troops at posts in war zones are required to ‘burn their trash’”.  The US Government response to the Bible burnings?   None.  Apologies?  None.
    Apologies abounded, however, when in April Korans confiscated after hidden messages were found written within were burned.  Riots and violence ensued, dozens lost their lives, and the US government could not apologize enough.  While the response would never have been the same, the offense in fact was.  Imagine referring to the Koran as “trash”. (7) 
    The desire to preserve the influences of Christendom is not simply a religious issue.  It is not a Christian caliphate.  It is at its core a desire to maintain the structure and basis of our freedom, including our freedom to worship as we please-or to choose not to worship at all.  It is the preservation of a value system that promotes self- governance through moral and ethical certitude, without which, the system fails.  As Benjamin Franklin artfully said “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” (8)
